Issue Date: Sunday, September 11th, 2022
Issue Time: 8:35 AM MDT
— Flooding is NOT expected today
Saturday’s active dynamics have long departed Colorado, leaving in their wake drying northwesterly flow (see water vapor image, below). PW at Grand Junction was all the way down to 0.16 inches, with Platteville also dropping substantially to 0.25 inches from yesterday morning’s 0.76 inches! Higher moisture does exist along the New Mexico, with a sliver of southwesterly monsoonal flow hanging on. There, PW is perhaps up to 0.7 inches, though it will likely drop a bit this afternoon.
With the drying conditions, we expect a beautiful fall day today with much warmer temperatures (especially for eastern Colorado). Along the New Mexico border, isolated to perhaps widely scattered storms are expected later this afternoon. However, only brief moderate intensity rainfall is expected. Thus, flooding is NOT expected today.
Today’s Flood Threat Map
For more information on today’s flood threat, see the map below. If there is a threat, hover over the threat areas for more details, and click on burn areas to learn more about them. For Zone-Specific forecasts, scroll below the threat map.
Zone-Specific Forecasts:
San Juan Mountains, Southwest Slope, San Luis Valley & Southeast Mountains:
Partly cloudy this morning, then isolated to widely scattered storms possibly later this afternoon. Highest coverage will be over the higher terrain, above 9,000 feet. Max 30-min rain rates up to 0.5 inches possible, along with small hail and gusty winds. However, flooding is NOT expected today.
Primetime: 3PM to 8PM
Northeast Plains, Southeast Plains, Front Range, Urban Corridor, Palmer Ridge & Raton Ridge:
Early morning valley fog should dissipate by noon, leaving plenty of sunshine. Expect warmer temperatures close to seasonal normal today. With no chance of precipitation, flooding is NOT expected today.
Northwest Slope, Northern Mountains, Central Mountains & Grand Valley:
Mostly sunny and warmer with temperatures topping out a few degrees above seasonal normal. With no precipitation in the forecast, flooding is NOT expected today.